Cooking Magic: A Night at the Natural Gourmet Institute

Carmel Berman Reingold

Everyone Should Go To Puppet Theater

  • August 15, 2016
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Albert—The Interactive Children’s Musical (based on the book by Donna Jo Napoli) was a fun experience. Performed by Omar Prince and Alex Ishkanian (who cowrote it with Scott Test), it’s a story with a powerful lesson about fear and transformation.

Yes, I went. No, I didn’t bring any children. In my opinion, everyone should attend puppet theater. It’s a chance to be reminded of a simpler way of having fun and learning a message or two. Add in a strong actor who can sing well and a puppeteer with the ability to bring multiple characters to life and it’s a good experience.


But I had to make a decision. I could either be a spectator, snapping pictures and trying to get the best shots for this entry, or I could just take a few and immerse myself in the show. I chose the latter, which is why I don’t have any photos of one of the best (and funniest) characters in the show—a black cat with a sense of entitlement every cat owner would recognize.

Audience participation was expected (this was aimed at young children but I think the grownups enjoyed dancing in their rows just as much) and I admit to yelling out answers right along with everyone else.

You can find out more at

Albert, by Donna Jo Napoli, with illustrations by Jim LaMarche, is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.



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