And How Was Your Summer?

  • September 12, 2022
  • Blog

Mostly, I hibernated. Soaring temperatures and high humidity made for lousy outdoor time. I can tolerate high temps but the sauna-like conditions were not my idea of a good time.

Still, there were compensations. Fresh fruit, especially watermelon, topped my list. I discovered the joys of watermelon bubble tea and slushies. Fruit smoothies using cantaloupe or mango with coconut milk poured into hurricane glasses and garnished with Maraschino cherries and tiny paper umbrellas (yes, I actually bought them) made the mundane vacation-like.

And now, heading into fall, I’m pulling out recipes for stews and soups for the coming months.

Writing has been a struggle but poems have been written so I’m looking into markets (and I find it strange when asked if I’m going to sell it, as if it’s a hobby). My novel sits waiting, and a short story has been promised. Slowly, I’m edging back into what was before the plague times.


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