Shoveling Snow

Spring is Coming

The Magic of Art

  • February 22, 2021
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As someone who uses words to create a picture, I’m always amazed at the visual medium of art and how it has so much power to affect me.

I’ll see something that strikes me silent, usually with admiration or shock at the connection or memory it evokes. And sometimes with lust. Art that makes me want to grab it and say “Mine!” but isn’t even available as a copy.

Look at the moon jar with dragons. This interpretation of dragons and the subtle yet vibrant colors caught me in thrall with their free-form movement. I wanted this pottery on my table. (It exists only as a poster for sale.)

A painting of moonlight and water held me in its grip. I ran to the gift shop hoping to buy a postcard of it, but no postcard existed.

A dancer’s movement arrested in the clay she was formed in caught my breath. I didn’t need to know her history. Her pose, captured in flight, was enough.

These moments are gifts of respite, a sudden pause in the ever-busy brain. It’s a minute reset that causes me to be aware that for that one instant, there’s nothing but now. And then I breathe again, this time a little slower, with a bit more intent.

What art speaks to you? What tugs at you, speeds up your heartbeat, makes tears trail down your cheeks? What punch-in-the-throat visual dazzles you?


For more details on the above pieces, see here:

Moon Jar

Copenhagen Harbor by Moonlight

Female Dancer



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